(406) 587-5870  f: (406) 522-1536   /   280 W Kagy Blvd, Suite G Bozeman, MT 59715

(406) 587-5870
f: (406) 522-1536
280 W Kagy Blvd, Suite G Bozeman, MT 59715


Congratulations!! Nothing is more miraculous and wonderful (and possibly exhausting) than bringing a new baby into your family.

We're here to answer any questions that come up and we expect you to have more than a few. The doctors are available to see your baby every day for appointments, even last minute. And our amazing nurses are available during all office hours to answer routine questions. After hours, you can always reach one of the Hatch Pediatric medical doctors for emergency concerns.

Call day or night if your newborn:
- has a fever of 100.4 or higher
- won't feed as well as he or she has been
- or if he or she looks very yellow and won't wake to feed